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Special thanks to Jean-Marc Baron Claudia Belli Elizabeth Brahy David Brennan Florence Breurec Anthony Callanan Saoirse Callanan Dana Carey Mary Carey Aoie Casby Kimberly Christiansen Sarah Clancy Susan Clark Carol Dunleavy Ilanna Egan Mara Fitzmaurice Ray Glasheen David Holland Iradj Ipaktchi Mohsen Ipaktchi Alon & Betsy Kasha Greg Kelly Jane Kelton Dana Kennedy Dietlind Lerner Mary Lillis Claire Loader Michelle McCann Úna McCann Mary McGill Alan McMonagle Elizabeth Meacham Conor Montagne Anne Mulhall Christine Murphy The mysterious CM John Nash John Nee, Pat O’Connor Daisy & Thor Ritz Marian Shiels Rachel Skingsley Danny Talbot Rachel Towey Martin Ward Mary Yordon
BRAG SHEET January 2025- Online launch of Retreat Comedy Season 2. May 2024 Live event. Keynote speakers for ACHS 2024 Heritage conference. September 2023 - On Air. Retreat Comedy diffuses on Flirt FM for Galway's Culture Night December 2022- Prize. Literary Prize announcement. "THE BOXED IN POET" a staged spin-off of Retreat Comedy, is honored to be shortlisted for the Hammond House Publishing Literary Prize in Comedy.  (The award ceremony is during the Grimsby Literary Festival in the England in February 2023.) October 2022- Short Play. Creation of on-stage spin-off of Retreat Comedy. 'THE BOXED IN POET' a five-minute play in which appear two characters from Retreat Comedy. Damien, the radio host interviews, Mary the poet in front of an audience at a literary festival. October 2022- Short Play. Creation of a spin-off of Retreat Comedy: 'MAN OF THE PEOPLE, MAN ABOUT TOWN', a ten-minute play in which a British fan and his wife go to a literary festival to meet his idol: Damien, the popular radio host. The stageplay features two characters from the podcast series RETREAT COMEDY. September 2022- Charts. #1 Apple Podcast Comedy Fiction. The series holds steady as #1 in comedy fiction and #2 in fiction in the Irish charts. #5 comedy fiction in France. Top 50 in the UK, and USA comedy fiction charts. Trends in India, Germany, Australia, Canada and Nigeria. September 8, 2022- Launch of Retreat Comedy as a 6-part scripted podcast series with voice actors, and sound-scape. October 2021- Grant. Receives art grant to produce live script reading with actors in front of an outdoor audience. (Athenry Heritage Centre, Ireland. ) October 2020 Press. Retreat Comedy is written about in the culture section. ( The Galway Advertiser) October 2020 & 2021-  Grant. Retreat Comedy receives an art grant to produce live script reading with actors in front of an outdoor audience. (Athenry Heritage Centre, Ireland. ) August 2020- Fundraising campaign raises 3000 euros to finance expenses Spring 2020- Casting & rehearsals during lockdowns. February 2020- Covid Lockdowns. Online writing collaboration continues. January 2020- The co-creators meet in person. First exploration for possibilities of creative collaboration. (The Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annaghmakerrig, Ireland) January 2019- The Craic begins. Short-story author Aoibheann McCann & artist Andi Ipaktchi meet at the dinner table during their residencies. (The Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annaghmakerrig, Ireland.) ​

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